A Fun Thing to Do

Hello, it's me Ayu! I'm thinking of starting to write in this blog again, so my blog won't wither...haha.

Lately, I've been taking so many pictures of old buildings around me. Because my country, Indonesia used to be colonized by Netherlands for decades, traces of the 'colonized days' are still here. Some of them are abandoned and they become the orphan of time, and some are really well-maintained. The well maintained ones are usually those buildings which turned into hotel, restaurants, office, coffee shops, or museums. 

Everytime I step into those buildings, yeah - I admit it gave me chills. But, not because I worry it might be haunted...but more like, adore it: "Wow, this building was built hundred years ago. I wonder how many things it has witnessed." - that's exactly what I think.

Soon, I will post about old buildings around me that I visited recently. See ya!!


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